There are many issues with Memory Chronicles #01: Level 2 (renamed The Memory of After). Weak, forgettable characters, convenient answers, and little world-building are only some of those issues. In spite of these weaknesses, Level 2 is ambitious and creative. Ms. Appelhans attempts to hybridize science fiction and theology. It is a unique mix of genres that would be more effective with more background information and sympathetic, dynamic characters but is still intriguing. Readers will recognize what she attempts to do and respect her attempts. In addition, she cleverly places hints throughout the story, which only become obvious once she reveals the full story. It is an ingenious ploy to bring continuity to a somewhat confusing plot. In all, Level 2 is not perfect, but it is still entertaining and the climactic ending is exciting. There are many unanswered questions that will leave readers curious about the next installment. Those who are less picky about character development and fully-detailed worlds will enjoy it more than finicky readers, but there are still worse ways to spend a few hours.