Memoirs are funny things; one's appreciation of the entire memoir hinges on how well-received the writer is. If one does not like the narrator, then chances are that one is not going to enjoy the memoir. I have fallen on both sides of this situation; I have read memoirs where I was disgusted by the narrator and thus could barely finish the memoir. Similarly, I have fallen in love with the narrator and then adored every word. In my experiences, one either likes the narrator or does not; there is very little middle ground.Then I read In the Sanctuary of Outcasts. At first, I was a bit disgusted with Mr. White. He showed no remorse for his actions. He comes across as ego-maniacal and considers himself better than everyone else. He refuses to consider that he is a bad guy. However, as he learns more about Carville and its inmates and patients, something unusual happens. Mr. White matures and feels remorse. He realizes that his experiences mean nothing in the face of what the leprosy patients have faced in their lifetimes. He goes from being rather unlikable to becoming someone who realizes his frailty and obstacles in life and refuses to ignore them. His growth is remarkable for a memoir.I suspect that anyone cannot change after a year spent living next to and working with leprosy patients. This history of Carville, its patients, and their individuals histories are poignant and fascinating. The background of leprosy patients, their treatment by society throughout history and even into present day is astonishing in how little we still know about Hansen's disease and upsetting that people can and still do treat others like that. Ella, Harry, Stan and Sarah - they come alive through Mr. White's words, which are a testament to their dignity and humanity in the face of their struggles. More importantly, Mr. White proves that true beauty is internal and eternal.In the Sanctuary of Outcasts is more than a memoir. In the end, it is a reminder that our troubles are insignificant to what others have faced. Through his incarceration, Mr. White recognizes the truth behind Ella's words - that while we cannot change who we are, we can change our circumstances and our approach to life. He shares with us the importance of taking time to enjoy life, of living simply, and of not bemoaning our choices and subsequent consequences of those choices. In the end, Mr. White offers us powerful life lessons that each and every one of us need to take to heart. Even with its dubious beginnings, I am grateful that I read In the Sanctuary of Outcasts for its history lessons, for its introduction to a world completely different from my own, and for its lessons in humanity.