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That's What She Read

The Things That Keep Us Here

The Things That Keep Us Here - Carla Buckley "This was another LibraryThing Early Reader prize from Bantam Dell. The timeliness of the subject matter cannot be ignored, and Ms. Buckley does a tremendous job of showing what could have happened (or may yet happen) with H1N1. Given all the hype over that particular virus, the fact that I was reading about H5N1 rather than H1N1 was surreal but made the story that much more realistic.[return][return] [return][return]I found the what-if scenario the most compelling part of the story. Not only did I get an idea of what could happen during a pandemic, Ms. Buckley gives the reader ideas on how to prepare for future events. I never considered the full implications on our infrastructure if a large portion of the population died or was forced into isolation and quarantine. As a result of the story presented by Ms. Buckley, I am now contemplating changing my own state of preparedness for emergencies and crises. [return][return] [return][return]Unfortunately, there is no doubt this is a debut novel. While the story itself was interesting, the backstory is not well-developed. In fact, I found myself guessing at the different pandemic phases mentioned throughout the story to understand the characters' actions better. Character development is also lacking, as I never felt what compelled each character to act the way he or she did. While I understand that Ms. Buckley was trying to build suspense by not giving away the full story, there were holes left in the story that were never completely resolved and that prevented me from truly becoming enveloped in the story. [return][return] [return][return]Overall, I am very impressed with Ms. Buckley's effort. The story itself is quite enjoyable and suspenseful in spite of the holes. I liked it enough to pass it along to my husband and request that he read it as well. I look forward to future efforts by Ms. Buckley!"